
Showing posts from May, 2021

New question added - sending

The list of  Questions [ BEST ANSWER SO FAR :   A slang term for something like a baptism.  For this situation, the "baptism" was subjecting someone to oscillating current around the clock until their mind and spirit are broken.  Once that happens they are "brought back up" - a reference to being reprogrammed.  That all assumes the toll it takes on the body doesn't outright kill the person.  A specific name was also mentioned in the context of them not handling the process well.  There was a lack of concern for the person and those speaking weren't actually interested in checking on them.  11-16-2021 . ] 05-08-2021   Does anyone recognize or know what the phrase 'sending them down so they can be brought back up' means? Might have been used in reference to someone I've met before. It seemed to have 2 different meanings depending on the outcome. Had the impression it's some kind of process or program.

New question added - hibernation

[ NO ANSWER SO FAR: ] The list of  Questions 05-07-2021    Vincent Michael Young:  Was Sunday November 3 the last time you saw Jaquell Mitchell-Cook?    Did he meet you at the Holiday Inn St. Louis at 811 North Ninth Street after we went to an event on Sunday November 3, I started getting uncomfortable, and left after about 20 minutes? You said it was fine if I left.  Jaquell was on his way and would be maybe 15 minutes longer. You'd been suggesting I get tickets for the event all day by starting with sentences like "It's called Hi Bear Nation " with emphasis on each word in bold. You textd some time later and said you were ready for me to pic you up. I ended up going into the hotel and ran into you as you got off the elevator.

New question added - camera

[ BEST ANSWER SO FAR : Either it was believed the camera had something of value on it at the time it was stolen AND/OR or the camera might have been intended to be returned with something on it which wasn't there before.   Either way, it might never have been intended for the camera's absence to be noticed. ] The list of  Questions 05-01-2021    Tarryon (Terry) Simms,  Vincent Michael Young: Do either of you know why a Sony Bloggie camera was stolen from my apartment while Vincent was a guest? Do either of you know why it was returned 4 months later when both Terry and Vincent were guests within a day or 2 of each other? It's a terrible camera as far as quality goes. The actual value in used condition is small. For it to be returned after stolen implies I wasn't meant to notice it was gone. Are either of you familiar with situations where an item is stolen but returned later? Are either of you aware that a police officer will not file a report for situations where