First person impression added - Hibearnation

2022-06-18 - "Jacquell [will or should] be here in 15 minutes".

  • I was at Hibearnation at the Holiday Inn St. Louis for approximately 20 minutes (may have been up to 30 minutes) on Sunday, October 3rd in 2019.
  • I accompanied someone there.
  • I felt uncomfortable shortly after entering the building and walking to the ballroom.
  • While sitting down at a ballroom table I began feeling something like the start of a panic or anxiety attack.
  • As that began I started getting the impression that gentleman walking past and from across the room were aware of who I was sitting beside:
    • Not like they knew or had met him though.
    • The best description of the stares I have is odd and strangely neutral.
    • It also seemed like it was a couple or pair of individuals staring "together".
    • None of those (my own) impressions made sense to me.
    • The person I was sitting beside mentioned it was ok if I didn't want to stay and that "Jacquell [will or should] be here in 15 minutes".
      • I was relieved by that.
      • The panic and anxiety feelings had started to seem "inside out" like someone else was having them.
      • I agreed to return so he had a ride back.
    • The person I was with didn't appear to show anything like what I was feeling:
      • He didn't seem indifferent but like he'd been detached from everything.
      • That's the first time I can recall him like that.
    • I left and the feeling disappeared as soon as I exited the building.
    • I returned approximately 2 hours later and took the person I arrived with back to my apartment.
    • I asked about Jacquell but I don't recall the response.
      • I wasn't sure if he had been at the event or not at that point.
I hesitate to add this last impression because I didn't have it until 2022-06-17.  I'm also not sure it would be considered admissible for any reason.
  • For an unknown reason on 2022-06-17 I remembered that night and the moment I heard "Jacquell [will or should] be here in 15 minutes."
  • I don't know where the thought came from after the time since it happened, but I thought maybe the person was somehow "backwards" and so the statement was too without them understanding that.


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