
Showing posts from December, 2020

New question added - invoice

  [ ANSWER : It was mentioned out of concern. ] The list of  Questions 12-09-2020   Joseph Dale Dewitt and Vincent Michael Young:  Why did Joe (Joseph) stop by and mention an invoice then Vincent/Michael used my email address with no explanation so an invoice was sent to me? Joseph stopped by my apartment and mentioned statements and actions of another person: Said an friend had bullied this person into providing what the friend wanted Said this person claimed he had the police "in his back pocket" Said this person mailed people invoices Vincent/Michael was at my apartment while I was at work several weeks later Called and asked for my email address Asked for and used my email address (before I could request he not use it) so that the type of invoice mentioned by Joseph was sent to me

New question added - Jerzey

[ NO ANSWER SO FAR : But the full police report makes it clear that no hospital was involved in the incident - Barnes or otherwise.  The full report also states that Jaquell Mitchel-Cook's time of death was 00:53.  If that means it was 12-27-2021 at 12:53 am then I was told of his death over an hour before it happened. 10-19-2021 ] [ UPDATE :  Added more exact times when I knew them and any other details.  Reworded the main question to include more details.  Fixed a typo making the year 2020 instead of 2019. ] The list of  Questions 12-02-2020   Vincent Michael Young and Terryon (Terry) Simms:  Why were the following things said or texted without an explanation then no explanation given when asked?    Spoken by Terryon (Terry) Simms on 12-26-2019 around 11:45 PM (I don't think I have the exact words he used, so they're paraphrased) as we drove down Broadway Street after gambling at Lumiere Casino: " Jerzey died from a overdose ". I didn't know that Jerzey

Question of the day 2020-12-03

[ ANSWER : New software in use at the time cause the police report request to be routed incorrectly.  The error was caught and the full version of the report was later provided. 10-19-2021 ] [ UPDATE :  Added more exact times when I knew them and any other details.  Reworded the main question to include more details.  Fixed a typo making the year 2020 instead of 2019. ] [ UPDATE : 12-18-2020 01:17 PM - The public version of the incident report had virtually no information to add.  The address of the incident was listed.  The deceased listed as Jaquell Mitchell-Cook.  No information as to the cause of death.  Somehow I found out about the incident nearly an hour before police did even thought the date and time of death is given as about 22 hours prior to my being told about it. ] The list of  Questions 12-03-2020    Does anyone know how 1 request for a police incident report could go missing and another missing but found a day later after being placed in a locked drop box at the R