New question added - zero leakage

  The list of Questions

11-15-2021   Questions for the company "Prismatic Care Givers":

  1. Is there a maximum allowance for lines delivering media into residential homes to leak excess current?
  2. How are instances of current leakage identified and corrected?
  3. Is the downtown area of a "City more East Coast than West" the only area where a requirement of zero current leakage has to be met?

    Questions for "Anyone": Has anyone labeled "sensitive" to how their media was delivered have someone in an "Examiner" role from "Prismatic Care Givers" confirm the presence of current leakage?

Terms Used:

  • "Prismatic Care Givers" - A media delivery company focused on rapid service.
  • "City more East Coast than West" - A mid-sized metropolis towards continental center.
  • "Examiner"  - A technically inclined individual employed by "Prismatic Care Givers".
  • "Anyone" - any individual living in or around a "City more East Coast than West".


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