
[UPDATE: Close to all the questions have an answer.  Will be updating each posted question with an answer (potential answer) before re-posting.]

[NOTE:  While trying to figure out some very strange things that have happened over the past several years (and continue to happen)...  a few questions could use answers.  Please excuse the reorganizing and cleanup being done.]

   If you're aware of a question I should be asking, please let me know.


Individual Questions:

   Lorenzo Allen

   Alexander C. Bogan

   Joshua Cadwallader

   Joseph Dale Dewitt

   Matthew Mark Hubbard

   Tarryon (Terry) Simms

   Vincent Michael Young

   Allen Transmission

   Original List of Questions

      [NOTE: 12-18-2020 - Reorganizing and updating the question format.]

  • Does anyone know what kind of business Third Eye Solutions is?  For some reason I was receiving mail for them at my last address:
Third Eye Solutions 
10366 Sannois Dr 
Saint Louis, MO 63146
  • I've lost a couple phones in the last few years.  And at least one person I've known would have been able to access what's on them.  They contain mostly junk and some things I wrote to try and gain perspective...  I'd rather find them than try to explain what's on them though.  Does anyone know if they turned up or where they are?
    • LG G6
    • Motorola e5 play
    • Samsung J2
  • Does anyone know if the people listed (having sections of questions) below formed a business within the last 5 or 6 years?
  • If they did... does anyone know what the business does to generate income?
  • Can anyone tell me who the woman is (would guess her age to be late 50's to early 60's) who drives a small white car with a front license plate "NAGA" or "MAGA"?  Actually realized that description is worthless.  Here's a much better way to describe her and what seem to be her associates:
    • They sit in cars with motors running and headlights on but no destination to drive too.
    • They sit in their cars until it suits them to quickly make an engine revving U-turn for attention.
    • They threaten and intimidate with stares and angry expressions.
    • Someone has given them access to undocumented hardware features in cell phones they use to:
      • Remotely connect to another cell phone within a short distance outside of any carrier or network.
      • Remotely activate another cell phone's microphone and listen to conversations around it.
      • Remotely boost another cell phones antenna output - which doesn't sound that bad except it can cause:
        • A sensation similar to muscle tension and cramping most noticeable in the legs.
        • A feeling like someone's eyes are being squeezed or bugging out.
        • Problems with memory easily mistaken for dementia.
        • Problems with logic and reasoning easily mistaken for mental illness or substance abuse.
        • Damage to the cell phones battery.
  • Does anyone know who was harassing me in my last apartment?  I can rephrase that:  Does anyone know who was using different methods to cause me to hear voices without any apparent source so it seemed like schizophrenia?
  • Does anyone know why I had 2 or 3 silver discs under the carpet in my last apartment?  I couldn't get close to them (without removing the carpet) but I was able to take a picture of one (am trying to recover the picture).   <Best guess for now: piezoelectric transducers>
  • Does anyone know who is harassing me now in my current apartment?  The methods being used to make it seem like someone has schizophrenia are more refined now than in the last apartment.  They're used interchangeably to make it difficult to identify or figure out.

  • At the Brentwood YMCA there were a couple gentleman laughing and talking about "taking the show on the road" and "Denise".  This might have been a conversation between them and not directed toward me.  Since it seemed like it might have been directed toward me...  Does anyone know what those things are in reference to?
  • A gentleman walked up to me at Lumiere and started laughing. He laughed and said he had won $2000 the night before but was a dollar short now.  Does anyone know what he was referring to?
  • Another night at Lumiere a guy sat down beside me while I was gambling.  He tried to start a conversation but instead leaned over and whispered something to me.  I couldn't hear what he said but he got embarrassed, said he was gonna catch up to his friends, and that the "woman over there paid me to do it".  Does anyone know who "the woman" is or who the guy is?
  • Why did someone start shadowing me in my apartment using a RANGE-R device or similar hand held radar from the apartment above?
  • Why did someone start setting a heavy device on the floor in the apartment above me that caused sweating, burning sensation on the skin without burns and headaches for weeks on end?
  • Does anyone know if it was something like an un-shielded microwave?
  • Why did someone intentionally use hypnosis to cause me to hear voices?
  • Why were my friends trying to use hypnosis techniques on me but intentionally doing them incorrectly or when they couldn't be done successfully.
  • Does anyone know why comments like "taking the show on the road" would be made to me?
  • Does anyone know if I was being listened to or recorded without my permission?
  • Does anyone know why my friends (their names are the titled sections with individual questions) were doing things to make me paranoid?
    • Borrowing or taking my phone and making changes that affected how it worked?
    • Acting/pretending like they were using their phones to record me or take pictures?
    • Making it as easy as possible for me to empty my bank account or speed up the process (not all of them were doing that)?
    • Intentionally causing confrontations and incidents so I'd distance myself  from them?
    • Making statements or suggestions that in retrospect were priming conditions and elements that would make up the hypnosis that was done to me? 
    • Knowingly do things to hide that I had been hypnotized or make it look like I couldn't be hypnotized.
  • Did anyone profit or benefit from this situation?
To Lorenzo Allen:
  • Who gave you the skull lighter that played the sound of a braying mule when it was clicked?
  • Why did you try to give the skull to me?
  • Who was the man you mentioned with "stacks of money" at one of the dinner theatre shows?
  • Why did you work the phrase "zombie apocalypse" into an otherwise normal conversation?

To Jordan T:
  • Why do you end your texts to me by saying "get some rest"?  It implies you have some reason to think I can't or don't rest.  And that can't be the case unless you've developed telepathy to know my sleep schedule.  Privacy laws offer protection against things like that being shared without permission.   <Best guess for now: my sleep schedule is terrible - how do you know of that?>
  • When I mentioned the above your response was to the effect of an apology and that you wouldn't  text any more.  There are plenty of valid reasons for your response.  What was your reason?   <Best guess for now: same as above though it makes no sense to me.>
To Vincent Michael Young:
  • We were visiting with Jaquell once and he mentioned getting back to where he had been staying and all his things were gone.  He mentioned his clothes specifically but I think there was more.  Do you know what happened to his belongings?
  • Jaquell also mentioned the reason he was gone in the first place was because 2 of his friends lied to police and he was arrested.  Do you know the names of those 2 friends?
  • You mentioned to Jaquell that you had called and talked to his mom during the time he was gone due to his 2 friends having lied to police.  I think you said it was to let her know where Jaquell was.  Did you actually call and talk to his mom?
  • Assuming I was given accurate information in place of a police report...  how did you know anything about what happened to Jaquell before the police did?
  • Were you and Terry intentionally texting me in regards to Jaquell to create the appearance I was somehow responsible if someone were to only look at our texts?
  • Why do you ask me for help when you're hungry?  Then when you're not hungry text me with insults and threats?  Then when you're hungry again ask for my help?
  • There was a time you asked me to pick you up at the Clayton bus station.  You weren't there when I arrived so I called and you told me you decided to walk to my house.  You're walk to my house started at Schnucks on Ladue though.  Who was the gentleman in the white Volvo SUV who apparently dropped you off there and was caught off guard when I drove past?
  • Do you know why the same gentleman in the white Volvo SUV followed me to Walgreens on Olive?
  • Why did you ask to use the hot spot on my phone then delete my VPN software when I wasn’t looking?
  • Why did you borrow my phone once and enter in a code that caused it to buzz 3 times when a call was ended?
  • Why did you text me "lucky for you they took him to Barnes, bitch"  <Your answer: the text was meant for someone else>
  • don't care if Jaquell Mitchel-Cook's death was ruled an overdose of some kind  I don't care about the 'nothing can bring him back" statement you used to avoid answering my questions. If you know what happened to him or know someone that does then I do care if the overdose was pushed on him.  I don't care one bit who was there or what they were doing.  Nobody there was possibly that interesting as you would say.  Am still requesting the police report. [EDIT: Requested the police report on 9/5/2020.  Don't know if it can be provided to me though.  I didn't match any of the options for who was requesting.]
  • At one point you asked me if I had ever driven by your house with people in my car that were yelling.  But when I asked if that had actually happened to you (my car with people in it or not) you didn't answer my question (you turned it into a different question and ignored mine). Why your original question might be important is because of one night at my apartment.  I was being overwhelmed with hearing multiple voices in my head and hearing what sounded like a car driving by with people yelling.  You had described the same situation as I had and you described it with the same words I had texted about it to family.  Except it had happened to me 4 months earlier and I hadn't told you or anyone else in Saint Louis about it.  It was in either July or August when you asked me that.
  • After I started reading about hypnosis I found a description of conversational hypnosis.  I told a friend that when you were at my place you were saying phrases, making noises at certain times in certain ways, and using facts that were made up or wrong (intentionally I think) in a way that matched the definition of conversational hypnosis.  Maybe a week later you were at my apartment again and I asked you if you had heard of conversational hypnosis. Your response at the time was: You "had been told about it recently".  Just in case i got the exact words wrong you might have said "heard about it recently".  Then you started lecturing on the topic "i couldn't prove anything about hypnosis" because it "wasn't a science".  Whoa.  All I asked you was if you had heard of it.  Now I'd like to know why you were using it on me intentionally and who told you I had identified it as conversational hypnosis.?
  • You might not know the answer to this...  but why was Joe doing the same thing to me?  Why did Josh show up at my apartment and need a ride somewhere because his car broke down 1 block from my house (but apparently started on the first try and was driven home when Joe went to get it - with a key not a tow truck or mechanic) and use slightly suggestive movements while in my car?  Why did Terry sorta kinda try to do the same but stop (I don't think he thought it was funny to do it to someone or a good idea) and go completely in reverse and never ask for a single thing ever again even when I could easily help and would have been glad to?
  • Why do you refer to women I've met or know in Saint Louis as "fat" and "bitches" (and several other words like that automatically) like it's a reflex.
To Tarryon (Terry) Simms:
  • Assuming I was given accurate information in place of a police report...  how did you know anything about what happened to Jaquell before the police did?
  • Were you and Vince intentionally texting me in regards to Jaquell to create the appearance I was somehow responsible if someone were to only look at our texts?
  • There were times when we were gambling at Lumiere that I'd try to find you.  Some of those times I didn't see you anywhere on the casino floor.  Where were you?
  • You seemed unsure if you were employed by the medical supply company you mentioned.  Unsure because you weren't receiving a paycheck from them even though you traveled to miami to "count" things if I remember right.  What were you actually doing in miami?
  • Why did you start acting like your phone was a motion detecting camera when at my place?  As in why did you start holding it oriented toward me like you were taking pictures or video of me?  I don't think you actually were though.  And why when i tried to move to either side to get out of the camera's field of vision you turned to keep it on me?
  • Right before moving in why did you tell me your "friends had turned against" you?  It's not that I'm questioning that specifically but you couldn't keep a straight face. You kept starting to laugh as you told me that.  Were you serious about it?
  • When I asked if you could check with Vince to see why i received the "lucky for you they took him to Barnes, bitch." text you said that my receiving it made "perfect sense" to you.  Why did that text make perfect sense to you that I received it and why wouldn't you at least find out what it was about when Vince stopped knowing how to use a phone/reply to texts?
  • When you moved in as my guest (why do I feel like I need to specifically mention we were not roommates?  not sure.) I had been going through harassment for awhile by way of 'voices' that were kind enough to tell me it was schizophrenia.  You never mentioned hearing them.  Except on 2 occasions I could hear you talking to someone who wasn't in the apartment as far as I could tell and I could hear both yours and their words.  Why didn't you tell me and why did you deny those times happened?
  • The day you dialed 911 (while you were telling me you'd "play my game") the police ended up walking you out because you were my guest in the apartment.  So long story short...  why did you intentionally try to get me to kick you out?  I racked my brain on that one and it's the only thing I could make partial sense of.
  • The players card you were using at the casino the other night quit working as we were leaving.  Except when you took the card to their counter you came back with 2  cards.  But when I asked you why they gave you 2 cards you told me you "didn't know".  I asked you why you didn't know and why you didn't ask.  You didn't answer the question.  So I stopped at the counter the following night and asked why they give out 2 cards.  The gal working there was nice and what she told me actually makes perfect sense.  They give a person 2 cards when the person specifically asks for 2 cards.  Why did you tell me you didn't know why they gave you 2 cards when you had to have asked for 2 cards?
  • Driving home after that why did you start to get angry when I asked jokingly if you were married?

To Josh Cadwallader:

  • There was a time at your apartment where you asked me if I had tried to break in there.  Why did you ask me a question like that when you already knew I wouldn't do it?
  • Why would you slowly - and while drawing attention to you doing it - click a button on an app on your phone and slide the phone out of sight behind you?
  • Why were you leaning forward in my passenger seat with your arms positioned to look like you were doing something around or under the dash?  As far as I know there wasn't anything there that wasn't in the car when I bought it and nothing was gone or missing when you left (I actually didn't check... why would I?)

To Joseph Dale Dewitt:

  • You told me recently that Josh sent members of your family things that were personal and inappropriate for anyone to have sent.  Did Josh really do that?
  • There was a time at your apartment when Josh left, you stopped answering texts or calls from me, and Terry texted me - all at the same time.  For now I consider it just a coincidence.  But the next time I saw you and asked what happened your answer was "so tired I drove to my parent's house and don't remember doing it".  Was that a reference to Highway Hypnosis?
  • You were at my apartment and told me something before leaving.  It was "something's going to happen and you're not gonna be ready for it".  Why did you say that and what did you mean?
  • I'm not gonna ask if you're washing machine was really broken.  I'll take you at your word that it was.  But when you stopped by my place to do laundry why did you keep asking me why your eyes would get red?  And why were none of my answers the one you seemed to want?  Did you already know what answer you wanted to hear?  If so what was the point of asking me?
  • Why did you ask me to meow when you were there?  Is that in any way related to the neighbor gal with the apartment next to you and and the supposed cat scratching at her door?  Hard to believe that was a cat btw from the sound.
  • When I was headed back home from your place and you walked me out to smoke first, why did you try to get me to make fun of Asian people?
  • And why did you ask me if I thought Josh had taken/stolen/done something with your grandma's marbles?
  • And I asked this question once thinking infrasound had been used...  but it may actually have been something a little different.   <Best guess: cellphone discharging a burst of cellphone radiation>
  • Who was the guy standing behind the fence at the back of the parking lot?
  • What was he holding (because I left with the impression he was pointing something towards us but the memory of it is blurred out).
  • Do you know what it was that caused me to become so shaky right then I could barely hold my cigarette and also gave me the feeling I was going underwater?  <Best guess: my cellphone was made to discharge a burst of cellphone radiation exactly when it would most affect me and minimally affect you.  Perfectly timed it would seem.>


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