
New question added - bitten

08-16-2021   To Anyone: Suppose you had a simple fix for say, mosquito bites.  You knew of a possible mosquito bite problem and offered that fix to  2 individuals potentially affected. Why might both individuals avoid directly responding to the offer? Why might they claim they already have that fix though that's unlikely or not possible? Why might they instead answer a different question than the one they were asked or respond with their own tangent question?

First person impression added - brother of Jacquell

2022-06-18 - "Did you know Jacquell's brother did modeling?" An individual I know has occasionally mentioned something during a conversation that seemed slightly out of place to me. What is mentioned - for the instances I'm aware of - was perceived by me as the same tone and significance of the existing conversation. Each time I remember feeling briefly confused and wanted to ask about it but the confusion and uncertainty meant I essentially froze up for a few seconds. For an unknown reason on 2022-06-18 I began recalling those instances and something I can't explain. They appear to be something like while I was confused there was information being shared through awareness. On other occasions when I tried asking related questions I didn't receive answers. Later that day I heard what sounded like "he wouldn't give up.": For this instance what was mentioned had to do with Jacquell's brother modeling. I was asked "Did you know Jacquell'

First person impression added - Hibearnation

2022-06-18 - "Jacquell [will or should] be here in 15 minutes". I was at Hibearnation at the Holiday Inn St. Louis for approximately 20 minutes (may have been up to 30 minutes) on Sunday, October 3rd in 2019. I accompanied someone there. I felt uncomfortable shortly after entering the building and walking to the ballroom. While sitting down at a ballroom table I began feeling something like the start of a panic or anxiety attack. As that began I started getting the impression that gentleman walking past and from across the room were aware of who I was sitting beside: Not like they knew or had met him though. The best description of the stares I have is odd and strangely neutral. It also seemed like it was a couple or pair of individuals staring "together". None of those (my own) impressions made sense to me. The person I was sitting beside mentioned it was ok if I didn't want to stay and that "Jacquell [will or should] be here in 15 minutes". I was rel

Another item missing - toilet brush

[ RESOLVED-ISH : There are now 2 toilet brushes - 1 in each of 2 rooms. I don't consider a toilet brush to be of critical importance so not spending more time to figure out what's going on. 2022-03-11 @ 06:45 PM ] 02-20-2022 @ 11:47 AM Item missing:: Toilet Brush - white and green handle with white bristles. A guest noticed it was gone at @ 11:20 AM when they were in the bathroom. Last time item was seen was 2 days ago on 02-18-2022. Was the last time guest was present and cleaned the bathroom. Guest will not use a bathroom that isn't clean. I don't blame guest for that.

New question added -bloggie

  [ BEST ANSWER SO FAR :   Someone thought the camera had something of value on it or the camera might have been intended to be returned with something that wasn't there before. Either way, it was likely not intended for the theft to be noticed . ] The list of  Questions 02-19-2022 - To: "The Announcer", Ms. "I've Never BeenCaught" (License plate: GE5 YBC), "Plates" (License plates:  LF6 L7W, TB7 P6R, 1HB G45Q), "Super Moustache Flash", and/or "Ron" aka Josh 'We love you!': Do you know why a Sony Bloggie camera was stolen from an apartment? Do you know why it was returned to the same apartment about 4 months later? Do you know how entry was gained to the apartment either time? The camera was stolen from a bedroom closet but it's case was left behind. When the theft was noticed the case was placed in the kitchen on a desk. About 4 months later a strange compulsion to NOT pick up the case or open it gave cause to do s

New question added - zero leakage

  The list of  Questions 11-15-2021   Questions for the company "Prismatic Care Givers": Is there a maximum allowance for lines delivering media into residential homes to leak excess current? How are instances of current leakage identified and corrected? Is the downtown area of a " City more East Coast than West " the only area where a requirement of zero current leakage has to be met?       Questions for "Anyone": Has anyone labeled "sensitive" to how their media was delivered have someone in an " Examiner " role from " Prismatic Care Givers " confirm the presence of current leakage? Terms Used: " Prismatic Care Givers " - A media delivery company focused on rapid service. " City more East Coast than West " - A mid-sized metropolis towards continental center. " Examiner "  - A technically inclined individual employed by " Prismatic Care Givers ". " Anyone " - any individua

New question added - access

  The list of  Questions 11-15-2021   Questions for the Staff of "Current Secured Apartments": Does " Current Secured Apartments " use proper procedure each time a request for access to an apartment is received? Has access to an apartment ever been provided at the request of someone NOT on the lease?   Has access to an apartment ever been provided by someone employed by " Current Secured Apartments " who is NOT authorized to provide access?       Questions for "Anyone":   Does any agency or office in the  " City More East Coast then West " have the authority to order a business to withhold information from a client, customer, or renter regarding information that is normally provided? Terms Used: " Current Secured Apartments " - An apartment complex of moderate size, conveniently located where power, cable, telecom, and outdoor social connections meet. " City more East Coast than West " - A mid-sized metropolis toward


The list of  Questions [ UPDATE : All questions are being re-worded or re-phrased as needed to maintain the original meaning and intent but completely obscure those allegedly referenced until such time as it's needed to be known. Care is also being taken to ensure each post's presentation remains unchanged as well.  This is not an attempt to "fix" anything which may have been incorrect or change the way any post is perceived.  Should anyone have cause to find fault with an update, please state exactly that and why so it can be addressed.  The comments section is completely open but like everyone else on the planet I can guarantee no privacy for anything communicated whether public or private.  11-12-2021 ] [ UPDATE : Close to all the questions have an answer.  Will be updating each posted question with an answer (potential answer) before re-posting. ]    The answers I've trying to find are now separate from the original blog.  As important as they seem to me they

Question of the day 2021-11-12

The list of  Questions [ UPDATE : This question was originally posted on 09-20-2021, then moved back to draft for privacy considerations.  It's become more relevant since then so updated and re-posted. ] 11-12-2021   Does anyone kn ow t he correct way to deal with threatening texts when the identity of the sender is unknown?    Can an incident as described below be explained to a police officer and pass their "litmus test" for deciding whether to allow a police report to be filed?    Simply blocking all texts from the number used can be done, but it doesn't solve the problem.  Prior incidents were the source was simply blocked resulted in similar messages from a different source.  It's preferable to identify and stop the individual(s) responsible in a way that's meaningfully permanent.    Assume the following allegations can be considered reasonably confirmed: The phone the texts were allegedly composed on is owned by Individual #1. The phone number the texts

Question of the day 2021-08-14

[ BEST ANSWER SO FAR : Be patient, provide as much information about the report as possible so it can be searched for, hope that those helping locate the report are patient as well. Whether it can be found or not, it won't be created a second time (according to what I was told). ] The list of  Questions [ UPDATE: Wanted to be more clear about the list of stolen items below.  To be sure they were gone and not misplaced or their exact location simply forgotten I emptied every box and tub I owned then refilled them as I cleaned and emptied each room in my apartment.  When completed there was only one corner of a single bedroom with everything boxed up.  So I can say with 100% certainty the items were gone from the apartment. Original post 08-14-2021 at 6:41 AM ] 08-14-2021   Does anyone know what to do in a situation where information about a crime is given to police and a police report number is provided (reports aren't always created and filed before having a number assigned)

New question added - sending

The list of  Questions [ BEST ANSWER SO FAR :   A slang term for something like a baptism.  For this situation, the "baptism" was subjecting someone to oscillating current around the clock until their mind and spirit are broken.  Once that happens they are "brought back up" - a reference to being reprogrammed.  That all assumes the toll it takes on the body doesn't outright kill the person.  A specific name was also mentioned in the context of them not handling the process well.  There was a lack of concern for the person and those speaking weren't actually interested in checking on them.  11-16-2021 . ] 05-08-2021   Does anyone recognize or know what the phrase 'sending them down so they can be brought back up' means? Might have been used in reference to someone I've met before. It seemed to have 2 different meanings depending on the outcome. Had the impression it's some kind of process or program.

New question added - hibernation

[ NO ANSWER SO FAR: ] The list of  Questions 05-07-2021    Vincent Michael Young:  Was Sunday November 3 the last time you saw Jaquell Mitchell-Cook?    Did he meet you at the Holiday Inn St. Louis at 811 North Ninth Street after we went to an event on Sunday November 3, I started getting uncomfortable, and left after about 20 minutes? You said it was fine if I left.  Jaquell was on his way and would be maybe 15 minutes longer. You'd been suggesting I get tickets for the event all day by starting with sentences like "It's called Hi Bear Nation " with emphasis on each word in bold. You textd some time later and said you were ready for me to pic you up. I ended up going into the hotel and ran into you as you got off the elevator.

New question added - camera

[ BEST ANSWER SO FAR : Either it was believed the camera had something of value on it at the time it was stolen AND/OR or the camera might have been intended to be returned with something on it which wasn't there before.   Either way, it might never have been intended for the camera's absence to be noticed. ] The list of  Questions 05-01-2021    Tarryon (Terry) Simms,  Vincent Michael Young: Do either of you know why a Sony Bloggie camera was stolen from my apartment while Vincent was a guest? Do either of you know why it was returned 4 months later when both Terry and Vincent were guests within a day or 2 of each other? It's a terrible camera as far as quality goes. The actual value in used condition is small. For it to be returned after stolen implies I wasn't meant to notice it was gone. Are either of you familiar with situations where an item is stolen but returned later? Are either of you aware that a police officer will not file a report for situations where

New question added - invoice

  [ ANSWER : It was mentioned out of concern. ] The list of  Questions 12-09-2020   Joseph Dale Dewitt and Vincent Michael Young:  Why did Joe (Joseph) stop by and mention an invoice then Vincent/Michael used my email address with no explanation so an invoice was sent to me? Joseph stopped by my apartment and mentioned statements and actions of another person: Said an friend had bullied this person into providing what the friend wanted Said this person claimed he had the police "in his back pocket" Said this person mailed people invoices Vincent/Michael was at my apartment while I was at work several weeks later Called and asked for my email address Asked for and used my email address (before I could request he not use it) so that the type of invoice mentioned by Joseph was sent to me

New question added - Jerzey

[ NO ANSWER SO FAR : But the full police report makes it clear that no hospital was involved in the incident - Barnes or otherwise.  The full report also states that Jaquell Mitchel-Cook's time of death was 00:53.  If that means it was 12-27-2021 at 12:53 am then I was told of his death over an hour before it happened. 10-19-2021 ] [ UPDATE :  Added more exact times when I knew them and any other details.  Reworded the main question to include more details.  Fixed a typo making the year 2020 instead of 2019. ] The list of  Questions 12-02-2020   Vincent Michael Young and Terryon (Terry) Simms:  Why were the following things said or texted without an explanation then no explanation given when asked?    Spoken by Terryon (Terry) Simms on 12-26-2019 around 11:45 PM (I don't think I have the exact words he used, so they're paraphrased) as we drove down Broadway Street after gambling at Lumiere Casino: " Jerzey died from a overdose ". I didn't know that Jerzey

Question of the day 2020-12-03

[ ANSWER : New software in use at the time cause the police report request to be routed incorrectly.  The error was caught and the full version of the report was later provided. 10-19-2021 ] [ UPDATE :  Added more exact times when I knew them and any other details.  Reworded the main question to include more details.  Fixed a typo making the year 2020 instead of 2019. ] [ UPDATE : 12-18-2020 01:17 PM - The public version of the incident report had virtually no information to add.  The address of the incident was listed.  The deceased listed as Jaquell Mitchell-Cook.  No information as to the cause of death.  Somehow I found out about the incident nearly an hour before police did even thought the date and time of death is given as about 22 hours prior to my being told about it. ] The list of  Questions 12-03-2020    Does anyone know how 1 request for a police incident report could go missing and another missing but found a day later after being placed in a locked drop box at the R

Update 2020-11-29 - Jaquell Mitchell-Cook

[ UPDATE : 10-19-2021 03:58 PM - Was going through everything in my apartment for a different reason, and found an envelope from the Metropolitan Police Department dated 03-23-2021.  It contains a copy of the full police report that I'd been trying to request and includes a note stating that new software being used at the time didn't route the request correctly. ]   [ UPDATE : 12-18-2020 01:17 PM - The public version of the incident report had virtually no information to add.  The address of the incident was listed.  The deceased listed as Jaquell Mitchell-Cook.  No information as to the cause of death.  Somehow I found out about the incident nearly an hour before police did even thought the date and time of death is given as about 22 hours prior to my being told about it. ] The list of  Questions 2020-11-29   Made a 2nd request (last Sunday 11/22) for the incident report from December 2019 pertaining to Jaquell Mitchell-Cook: Noted it's being made as a Sunshine Law reques